Hunter Swartz
Power of Collaboration
To Adidas, the power of collaboration is one of the most highly sought-after areas of their corporation. They have it painted on their walls, which is a reminder every day they walk into their building that it is what their founded off of. However, for the Adidas marketers, collaboration is much more than teaming up to think of new products or ideas. They think of it as bettering not only themselves but their consumers as well. They feel as though it is important to not only have consumers insight but have affordable and highly sought-after products as well. They also wanted to appeal to everyone, by doing so “The digital marketing team tailored creative to provide multiple options, from more brand-focused inspirational visuals to ones that zoomed in on unique product features” (Budell). This helps Adidas by capturing everyone’s attention as well as getting their marketing set straight from the beginning. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t for evolving and making new moves to better themselves. In fact, “Adidas has learned that being truly relevant not only calls for the right messaging, but the right timing. Testing hypotheses and sharing insights across different parts of the marketing organization helps Adidas keep learning and improving” (Budell). This is how the marketers at Adidas have helped sell so many products. They also look at data to get good ideas of who wants what.
I found that this article related to what we have learned in class in a ton of ways. In specific the most recent Chapter 5 because it was all about managing, planning, organizing, directing, managerial skills, and business plans. However, in specific to the article I learned that there has to be a clear and clean-cut plan to best sell your product. There is a lot of research that goes into when they want to release their product as well as how they want to make the announcement. In the book, this is known as developing a strategic plan. The book definition states that “strategic planning is the process of establishing an overall course of action” (FlatWorld Exploring Business). For Adidas, their strategic plan was to research the market, find when it would be best to make the announcement of new shoes, and the overall course of action was to sell as many products as possible. Adidas also practices specialization which is improving efficiency. By hiring their marketers, they became way more efficient because they knew their market, when to release shoes, and how much revenue they would make in the end.
This article also related to what we talked about in class during lecture. All of the speakers at one point talked about having a good plan of action and how to follow through with that. It was good to hear about it in lecture, but whenever you see it being applied to a corporation as big as Adidas is whenever you realize that this is really important and is something that every big business still does. Also, the speakers had talked about communication and planning. You were able to see this being applied with Adidas really easily. The marketers communicated not only with one another but with other marketers around to really get a good read on what their best decision would be at that point in time. Also, to plan how they would like to release their products.
Link to article: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-resources/experience-design/adidas-marketing-collaboration/
I have reached out to my potential role model, he is also an Accounting major who plays on the baseball team with me. He is on the Accounting Club staff and has a great work ethic. Last year he earned a 3.9GPA while balancing being a student as well as an athlete having practice all the time. This would be a good role model for me because I will be in the same situation he was so it will be helpful to know how to properly balance my time.
For this individual assignment I plan to use Accounting as an outline. I do want to own my own accounting firm, so this will help me think of the future as well as the steps to get to this point. To complete this I have been working ahead and have a pretty good timeline of how to finish on time so I’m not rushing and turn in something not quality.
I have done some networking as far as reaching out to people who could possibly help me. My SDE teacher knows many people around the Pittsburgh area that are looking for interns. I want to intern with a bigger car company and he said he knows people that are looking for interns at Mercedes-Benz, so this will be a good opportunity. I haven’t attended an event because I have practice and they are always the same time, but I am done in the coming weeks so I hope to get to an event as soon as possible so I can reflect upon it.
I have taken notes on the guest speakers and I liked all their presentations, but none really connected with me. I am hoping to have a better idea of who to write on by at least November so I will be able to do a thorough write up on the speaker.
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