Hunter Swartz
12 October 2018
The person I chose to be my role model is Connor Paul. Connor and I are very alike when it comes to certain aspects which is why I thought he would be a good choice to interview as a role model. Connor is an accounting major and on the baseball team, like me. He is also a fellow accounting club member and specifically Connor is on the Accounting Club board. A lot of our interests align as well. Connor is interested in baseball, football, fishing, golf, and shoes.
Connor gave me very good advice on how I should be studying in college. I’ve never had good studying strategies so Connor helping me out was a big advantage for me. He said to never cram for an exam, to always study at least two to three days ahead of time and review very hard. He said the more you review, the better it will stick with you when exam time comes. Connor said he also makes flash cards and looks on websites such as Quizlet to consistently keep information fresh in his head.
Connor also gave great advice on how to work on building a resume/portfolio for myself. He told me to go to career development because they are great with helping you format your resume properly. He also said to try to job shadow with a person I know in the field I am pursuing because it will be eye opening to realize if I want to do that for the rest of my life. He also said that the mixers and events are great ways to get my name out to as many people as possible. He said to make as many meaningful connections as I can, so I could possibly work for them in the future. The main area Connor harped on was to continue to look ahead for internships because many companies do the same internships multiple summers in a row. He also said to find what really interests me and to run with it because I never know what I could do with the skills that I will undoubtedly pick up.
I chose to read the article that was written by Aashima Chhabra about another Accounting student, Rachel Kolar. Rachel is in the MAcc program at Chatham whereas Connor and I are not. Rachel had a lot of good things to say about Dr. James Pierson and a lot of the things she had said about him, Connor had already said these things to me. Connor and Rachel both had stated that there was a positive job market in the Accounting field and that was another reason for me as well to choose Accounting. Connor and Rachel also both touched on the Accounting Networking Mixers which I have attended and also seen very positive things come out of it. I was able to make the connection in class of all of the lectures, where you must really put yourself out there if you are expecting to get a good internship and have a lot of job opportunities to choose from. This made me realize how important it truly is because of how many internships Rachel has had and is still looking to get.
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